Saturday, May 7, 2011

I cants help if yous doughna like sexy time....

One of my most favorite past times at my favorite job is to read excerpts from erotic books to my manager... She flips the fuck out and it is funny as hell... Sometimes I think people like Matty and Madelyn give me books on purpose because they know I can not control myself.


Today I was looking through Erotica when I found a M/M erotica book for Matty.. so of course I set it aside. When he came in, I gave it to him and he took it in the back. So when I go into the back office where Jess is with Matty and Maddy, he gives me the book turned to a sex spot and I started to read aloud.
Needless to say it was explicit and it was one man shafting his dick in and out of the other mans tight ass when all of a sudden the shaftee says to the shafter.. I love you... the shafter stops dead cold and tells him never to say that, that he shouldn't. Next thing you know, the shafter grabs the shaftee by the hair, yanks, and.......

I would have finished that paragraph and prob the book had Jess not taken her hands away from her ears at that moment and slapped the book right outta my hands.

LMAO.... it was fucking awesome... almost as good as reading the Gay Sexual Position Deck of Cards to her.. Each card had a different sexual position and had a description of what the top and bottom participants are supposed to do.. it even had drawings of what the position looks It was great.

I understand some people

don't really appreciate the fact that others are as open as I can be about sex, and I think that what I read out loud to her for the most times is VERY light stuff... I mean, I don't go grabbing the book

and start reading to her about how this man is slapping bitches (his word not mine) asses and making them swallow his shaft whole, and then

 taking his balls in their mouths and gargling them like one of those ball washers at the golf course. 
At least I don't get out the book

and start reading the first of MANY sex scenes, which start on page 6, and read aloud to her about how when the heroine woke up, she realized she was in a warm bed, and that she was alive and not dying in a frozen ditch somewhere.. and that's when she felt the hot breath of someone at the nape of her neck and the long lean body of someone pressed up against her back.. and yes, a penis, a very large one, pressed between her when she went to move, all of a sudden, a large hand grabbed and kneaded her breast and the penis was being slowly thrust back and forth.... at least I didn't read any of THAT to her.... she really should be thanking GOD that I am as nice as I am about what I read out loud to the rest of the employees... but I know that she prob really doesn't mind because
A) I haven't been sent to "Sensitivity Training" yet... well...
B) she is always laughing and her face gets all flushed when I read it... teeheheeheheh... so she can't hate it THAT MUCH..  plus.. everyone else seems to get a kick outta it so why not continue? Right?


  1. Actually, before you actually read Daddy Long Stroke, you did read it out loud to her. It was back when Afram was in the beginning of fiction.

    Speaking of Afram, now its at the back of fiction. Just like the back of the bus. Where it belongs. I kid, I kid, I just wanted to make you laugh :)

  2. That post was very naughty....

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