Saturday, May 14, 2011

Enslave: Taming of the Beast by Cathy Yardley

ok.. where to start...
Nadia is a self sacrificer... she sacrifices her happiness, herself, her body, and almost her soul for her family. As her father is an ass and continues to put her in these positions, she once again sacrifices herself to a man whom is so brutal, so mysterious and scary that it is too much for her sister Jelena whom is the oldest and although has never realized what it is exactly that her sister Nadia has given for their family, she has an idea now.. when Nadia places herself in between her low-life scum of a father and this very frightening man. She offers herself in place of her fathers and families lives.. almost like a bargaining chip, until her father can get back what he stole from Dominic. Will her father be too late though... will she succumb to the will of this strange and powerful man..

Dominic is pissed... his favorite possession, his "Rose" and he will get his vengeance.. until some crazy ass little Russian woman places herself in front of the man responsible for his current unhappiness. There is something about her... he cant place his finger on it, but he knows he wants it. So, when she agrees that she is his, no matter what, he can do ANYTHING to her and with her, he is intrigued enough to forgo the vengeance and take the girl. Why??? He doesn't know, but he had to.

I really liked this story... It had just the right amount of each characters issues to intertwine their stories and help them work through it together.. but not too much to where one characters issues overpowered the others. I could have done with less of Jelenas story only because A) I wanted to know SOOO much more about Nadia and Dominic and B) I really just didn't I know you had to have a little bit of her story to work out the ending but honestly... I don't care if she did all this sexing around.. it happens, she finally came into her own.. whoopdie freakin doo..

I am totally going to read other books written by Cathy Yardley... This book kept my attention and I DIDN'T want to put it down... and I only skimmed a little through the parts with the sister in them... teeheeehee.. The sex in this book was FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard, slow, slappy, and bound... I would have loved if Yardley would have gone into more discription of the BDSM acts but hey,..... my imagination works just as well.. even better


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