Friday, August 12, 2011

Tatty Tatty Too Too ....

I am thinking about adding a new tattoo or two to my body. I called my brother who works in a Tattoo Parlor and asked him to think of some things that I might like. I told him I wanted a memorial piece and then something else to either add to my left wrist or put on the hand.
So, while he is looking, I decided to take a look at some tats that people have gotten.
This one is pretty bad ass. The amount of detail is fucking amazing.

 What the fuck was this man thinking getting half a heart tattooed on each hand? Hopefully he has some kind of fucking heart condition otherwise that shit is weird.
 This bitch has daddy issues. She prob. works the pole to pay for those..
This guy should have gotten that done by someone who is NOT a fucking retard.. if you look.... that tattoo has a fucking lazy eye.. like my grandma used to have.

Now to ones that are so fucking wrong they should even be on the Internet,

Why????  Why would you do this to yourself... unless they were fucking paying you to do it. You might as well get "Heart Disease Victim" on his back... douche bag....

Please... Please... back when this tattoo was done.. that super hero was lightly holding the breast on its shoulder.. it had not a worry in the world... now a days.. that super hero is fucking struggling trying to keep that titty from completely smothering it...PUSH MAN.... PUSH THAT TITTY UP UP and AWAY !!!!!!!!
By the time she is 80 you wont even be able to see that fucker anymore.. don't sweat it.

My Personal Favorites are the fucking retards that tattoo things like Robert Pattersons signature on their bodies or these.. my mind just fucking hurts.
Yet, I digress.. I have one more to show you and it is possibly the best tattoo I have ever seen. When I say the most awesome.. I mean for one specific person.. Constance... or Cone, as she likes to be called. She is a weird fucking chick and loves a grisly adams fucking type of lumberjacker.. and best of all.. she loves her some fucking beards. So.. Cone.. This ones for you....

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