Monday, June 13, 2011

Fucking Plugs for Fucking Computers... aaahhhhhh

This is what I feel like my computer has turned into. I am sooooo pissed off that I think I might scream and my little brother might actually take a hammer to the

ok.. here it is..

Adrian hooked me onto Sons of Anarchy.. no, not to the point where I'm all about the gang bang like she is,

 but enough to buy all the seasons so far and then buy season 3 on Amazon on Demand so I wouldn't have to wait until August to get season 3.

My brother went through some shit that left him a little shaken up and he wanted to spend some time with me, and far be it from me to not accommodate my baby

So, I told him about the show and he agreed to watch the seasons with me. Next thing you know, asshole decides to force me to stay up all  night long to finish the first season. Now.. when I say All Night Long, I mean literally, he had me start at 9pm and we didn't stop until 6am... he is now addicted

and I do mean addicted. To the point that he was trying to talk the other fire fighters he has been working with to start watching it so he wont miss any episodes when the show starts back up. He decided that if he gets them hooked now like he is... he wont have that problem when the show comes back on in September.  lol

So, we finished both season 1 AND season 2 in about 4 well, you cant really call it days.. it was 4 nights... anywhoo

He was soooooooooo pissed off by the end of the second season he wanted to watch the 3rd season right away but we didn't have the plug to turn the TV screen into the computer screen. He was so excited that he really couldn't even sleep that night... he actually told me it felt like Christmas Eve and he was so giddy and stoked that he was half tempted to drive to Walmart right at that moment and buy the fucking plug so we could watch it right then...

Yesterday he went out and spent $45 on a plug that goes from the computer to the TV so that we wouldn't have to watch season 3 on the small computer screen, we could watch it on the fucking Big Screen TV we have and rock the fuck out to SOA.  Well, what is it they say about plans.... oh, that's right, FUCK YOUR  the plug is plugged in both the computer and the TV and the fucker WONT WORK!!!!
I text brother to tell him about it and he has the

To ask me if I turned the TV onto the right channel...... like I didn't fucking think of that shit myself you fucking shitstick...
He then comes over and starts cussing and yelling at the computer.. like it is going to work just because he threatened to rip it in fucking half. hahahahhahahahahhahaha.. its funny to watch him flip the fuck out...
So now we are pissed off at the TV and the computer and then we have to watch fucking season 3 on the computer any fucking way... hahahha... I think it's going to be thrown in the fucking canal if it doesn't stop buffering...

And now I am sitting here typing this blog and watching my secret addiction....

 Say Yes to the Dress... teeheehee.....

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