Sunday, July 10, 2011

How can you go FUCK yourself? Let me count the ways......

Obviously this mother fucker doesn't... and if you couldn't tell from how you cant understand a fucking thing that comes out of her mouth... maybe you can get it from how she is yelling at me in fucking Creole.

Here is the story.........

Today I get to work, get my shit together, go into the kitchen to make coffee for my residents. A woman that works here comes up to me and starts yelling at me in half English/half Creole about someone calling all day yesterday from the hospital and how I didn't answer the phone once... ALL DAY... why can I not do my job? So I calmly told her that from the hours of this and that, I answer every fucking phone call that comes into this building and that although yes, I did get telephone calls from that hospital, I didn't get a single phone call about any sick child. Sorry, but I, unlike her, know how to do my job correctly. She continued to yell at me, saying I am a liar, and how I don't do anything... why couldn't I answer the phone. SOOOOOOO... needless to say, i was just a tad bit pissed off.. I started in on her, as she was on me...

I told her that unfortunately, I don't understand what the hell it is that she is talking about because I don't own a fucking

and that at this point in time, not only could the people at the hospital go Fuck themselves but so could she. It is not my fault that the hospital obviously couldn't call the right number. She started yelling at me in Creole and I told her that I was sorry, but that I don't have an

and that I couldn't understand a fucking thing coming out of her mouth.. and I left...

Now, I understand that your child was sick... now that I got someone to explain to me what you were screaming, but what I don't get is why you wouldn't give them the correct telephone #. It is sad when even the people at the hospital cant understand what the fuck you are saying!!!! It's not my issue bitch, it's yours... now deal with it. There is little thing, called the
they can totally help you out with reading and even speaking English. It's amazing, most churches around here have an ESL (English as Second Language) classes for free as well... look into it asshole and get off my imaginary dick.

I wouldn't go to fucking Haiti, live and work there for YEARS, and not have some semblance of how to get my fucking meaning across... we have some sons of bitches that work here that SERIOUSLY cant speak, read, or understand English AT ALL.. you know who they are because they are the ones always smiling a bit to large and saying, "Okay bay-bee"
AWWWEE FUCK they piss me off.

When I worked in a place where the majority of my customers were Spanish Speaking, I got a phrase book, got one of the Spanish Speaking co-workers to help me ask specific questions and I was able to function at work. I could read it for the most part, already understood more than I spoke before I started and was able to do my job.

It is not that fucking difficult to put forth the fucking effort to do your job.

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